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Do You Want To Know A Secret - The Beatles

You'll never know how much i really love you.
You'll never know how much i really care.
Do you want to know a secret,
Do you promise not to tell, whoa oh, oh.
Let me whisper in your ear,
Say the words you long to hear,
I'm in love with you.
Do you want to know a secret,
Do you promise not to tell, whoa oh, oh.
Let me whisper in your ear,
Say the words you long to hear,
I'm in love with you.
I've known the secret for a week or two,
Nobody knows, just we two.
Do you want to know a secret,
Do you promise not to tell, whoa oh, oh.
Let me whisper in your ear,
Say the words you long to hear,
I'm in love with you.

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